Shakita and James selected to the 2023 Aboriginal Apprenticeship Coach Program

Apr. 22, 2022

Congratulates to Shakita Jensen and James Williams for being selected to the 2023 Aboriginal Apprenticeship Coach Program (AACP) for Hockey.
The AACP provides the opportunity for each province and territory to send two coaches of Aboriginal ancestry to the Canada Games in apprenticeship roles. The objective of the program is to:
·Build coaching capacity in Aboriginal communities.
·Provide Aboriginal Apprentice Coaches with domestic multi-sport games exposure.
·Provide Aboriginal Apprentice Coaches with professional development and learning opportunities to prepare them for high level coaching and ensure an increase in their level of NCCP certification to a minimum of Competition - Development.
·Expose Aboriginal Apprentice Coaches to elite/high performance coaches
·Ensure Aboriginal Apprentice Coaches are prepared to handle a meaningful role during the Canada Games experience.
We are looking forward seeing you SHINE at the 2023 Canada Winter Games in Prince Edward Island.